Yay! New logo!

So, we finally have a new logo, done for us by the awesome Christophe Szpajdel. Go and have a look if you want, though I made it the profile picture.

Anyway, so, thanks for the awesome work, Christophe!

Also, with this new logo, the question of merch comes in. So, if I were to do some Tshirts, who would want one? If I get a lot of replies, I'll do a batch and they'll be cheaper :P

Now onto random stuff:

Elemental still isn't done.

To Sever Ties still hasn't been started recording wise.

The Rock Opera plot and lyrics are coming along nicely.

I did something crazy and did vocals for Aquastar Anime's 1000% project (the themesong for Negima!? is called 1000% Sparking, so basically, we're all just doing karaoke over it), but of course, I did death vocals on it, so it should shock some of the anime fans that watch AQS subs :P I'll link to it via this blog when the project manager releases this version. The first version is already up, go to here if you feel like hearing it.

And that's about all.


